Mass Times: Sun 9:00 AM and 12:00 AM (Espanol) - Sat 4:00 PM (English) | 501 S Coastal Hwy, Port Wentworth, GA 31407

Mass Times: Sun 9:00 AM and 12:00 AM (Espanol)

Sat 4:00 PM (English)

501 S Coastal Hwy, Port Wentworth, GA 31407

ADMIN Espanol

How do I...


Welcome to Port Wentworth! To register, speak with an usher or with the priest before or after Mass.

...find the church?

Our Lady of Lourdes is located at 501 South Coastal Highway as you leave the city of Port Wentworth south towards Garden City. It is across the highway from the Port of Savannah and is located close to the Savannah Hilton Head International Airport, Interstate 95, Gulfstream, and the Tanger Outlets.

...become Catholic?

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a formal process through which a mature teenager or adult is prepared to be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church. Please speak with one of our priests to learn more about the process to become a Catholic.

...get my child baptized?

If you wish to baptize your child, please contact Jeannine Dueño by calling the office or by speaking with her after Sunday Mass.

...pray the Rosary?

The Rosary is a very old, beautiful devotional prayer of the Church entrusted by Our Lady to Saint Dominic of Guzman in the 13th century. Here is a recommended guide that will help you learn how to pray it:

Rosary Center Link

...grow in my faith?

One tried and true way to grow in your faith is to frequent the Sacraments more often. You may want to go to Confession monthly, and if able, attend Mass during the week.

You may also set aside time daily to pray. Take ten minutes each day to read the daily Mass Scripture readings and take a moment to ask yourself, “what is God telling me through these readings?” You may also do an Examination of Conscience at the end of the day asking yourself where did you encounter Jesus that day, and in what ways did you fail. Make an Act of Contrition asking for forgiveness and close your day.

If you feel that you are at a crossroads in your life, you may consider attending a retreat. In Georgia, there are Catholic retreat centers in the Atlanta area such as Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers and Ignatius House in North Atlanta.

...go to mass?

Both Catholics and non-Catholics alike can benefit from learning more about the structure of the Mass. As Catholics, we believe that during the Eucharist we join the angels and saints in the heavenly worship of God. This is a resource that explains the parts of the Mass.

USCCB Mass Link

...go to confession?

If you have not gone to Confession in a long time, do not be nervous! Here is a recommended guide that will help you examine your conscience to be better prepared. Feel free to bring a copy of this examination with you to the confessional.

Examination of Conscience PDF Link abuse?

The Diocese of Savannah is committed to providing safe environments and fostering continuous improvement in every organization that sponsors activities and/or provides services to children and youth.

To report abuse or suspected abuse by a Church employee or volunteer call the toll-free hotline at 888-357-5330 or contact the Diocesan Safe Environment Director Joan B. Altmeyer at 912-201-4074.